
Provides Kinect support (only Kinect version 1 at the moment and only depth camera). Source and extra documentation can be found in the orx sourcetree

Note: the support is split into several modules:

  • orx-kinect-common
  • orx-kinect-v1
  • orx-kinect-v1-demo
  • orx-kinect-v1-natives-linux-x64
  • orx-kinect-v1-natives-macos
  • orx-kinect-v1-natives-windows


Assuming you are working on an openrndr-template based project, all you have to do is enable orx-kinect-v1 in the orxFeatures set in build.gradle.kts and reimport the gradle project.

Using the Kinect depth camera

fun main() = application {
    configure {
        // default resolution of the Kinect v1 depth camera
        width = 640
        height = 480
    program {
        val kinect = Kinect1()
        val device = kinect.openDevice()
        device.depthCamera.flipH = true // to make a mirror
        device.depthCamera.enabled = true
        extend {

Note: depth values are mapped into 0-1 range and stored on a ColorBuffer containing only RED color channel.

Mirroring depth camera image

kinect.depthCamera.mirror = true 

Using multiple Kinects

The kinects.startDevice() can be supplied with device number (0 by default):

fun main() = application {
    configure {
        width = 640 * 2
        height = 480
    program {
        val kinect = Kinect1()
        val depthCamera1 = kinect.openDevice(0).depthCamera
        val depthCamera2 = kinect.openDevice(1).depthCamera
        depthCamera1.enabled = true
        depthCamera1.flipH = true
        depthCamera2.enabled = true
        depthCamera2.flipH = true
        extend {
            drawer.image(depthCamera2.currentFrame, depthCamera1.resolution.x.toDouble(), 0.0)

Reacting only to the latest frame from the Kinect camera

Kinect is producing 30 frames per second, while screen refresh rates are usually higher. Usually, if the data from the depth camera is processed, it is desired to react to the latest Kinect frame only once:

kinect.depthCamera.getLatestFrame()?.let { frame ->
    myFilter.apply(frame, outputColorBuffer)

Using color map filters

Raw kinect depth data might be visualized in several ways, the following filters are included:

Find a runnable example here.

Executing native freenect commands

This kinect support is built on top of the freenect library. Even though the access to freenect is abstracted, it is still possible to execute low level freenect commands in the native API.

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