Segment, ShapeContour and Shape

OPENRNDR offers a lot of tools for creating and drawing two dimensional shapes.


The basic element for constructing shapes is the Segment: a Bézier curve with a start point, an end point and zero, one or two control points.


Constructing segments

// Linear Segment: start point, end point
val seg1 = Segment(Vector2(50.0, 55.0), Vector2(100.0, 160.0))

// Quadratic Segment: start point, control point, end point
val seg2 = Segment(Vector2(200.0, 35.0), Vector2(280.0, 50.0), Vector2(250.0, 160.0))

// Cubic Segment: start point, control point, control point, end point
val seg3 = Segment(Vector2(500.0, 35.0), Vector2(550.0, 100.0), Vector2(400.0, 120.0), Vector2(450.0, 160.0))

Drawing segments

// Draw one segment

// Draw multiple segments
drawer.segments(listOf(seg1, seg2, seg3))

Note that Segment, like Circle, Rectangle and other geometric entities in OPENRNDR, are mathematical representations which can be rendered to the screen, but this is not necessary. A reason to create such geometries without displaying them is to serve as building blocks for constructing more complex designs. We can achieve this by querying curve properties.

Segment properties

The Segment class provides multiple methods to query its properties. In the following examples, the ut argument is a normalized value that indicates a position in the segment between 0.0 (at the start) and 1.0 (at the end).

// Get a point on the curve near the start.
val pos = seg.position(ut = 0.1)

// Obtain the normal vector near the end.
// This is a vector of length 1.0 perpendicular to the curve.
val normal = seg.normal(ut = 0.9)

// Get the bounding box of the curve as a Rectangle instance.
val rect = seg.bounds

// Obtain the length of the curve.
val length = seg.length

// Get the point on the curve which is nearest to a given point.
val nearest = seg.nearest(Vector2(50.0, 50.0)).position

// Get 20 equally spaced curve points
val points = seg.equidistantPositions(20)

The list of available methods can be found at the API website or in the source code.

Modifying segments

Several methods return a new Segment based on the original one.

// Split a segment at the center returning two segments
val segments = seg.split(0.5)

// Get the center part of a segment
val subSegment = seg.sub(0.25, 0.75)

// Get the segment reversed (the start becomes the end)
val revSegment = seg.reverse

// Get the segment offset by the given distance
val offsetSegment = seg.offset(5.0)


A ShapeContour is a collection of Segment instances in which each segment ends where the next one starts. A ShapeContour can be closed like the letter O or open like the letter S. It can be used to describe simple shapes like a square, or more complex ones.


Three ShapeContours with 4 segments each. The one on the right is open.

Constructing a ShapeContour using the ContourBuilder

The ContourBuilder class offers a simple way of producing complex two dimensional shapes. It employs a vocabulary that is familiar to those who have used SVG.

  • moveTo(position) move the cursor to the given position
  • lineTo(position) insert a line contour starting from the cursor, ending at the given position
  • moveOrLineTo(position) move the cursor if no cursor was previously set or draw a line
  • curveTo(control, position) insert a quadratic bezier curve starting from the cursor, ending at position
  • curveTo(controlA, controlB, position) insert a cubic bezier curve starting from the cursor, ending at position
  • continueTo(position) inside a quadratic bezier curve starting from the cursor and reflecting the tangent of the last control
  • continueTo(controlB, position) insert a cubic spline
  • arcTo(radiusX, radiusY, largeAngle, sweepFlag, position)
  • close() close the contour
  • cursor a Vector2 instance representing the current position
  • anchor a Vector2 instance representing the current anchor

Let’s create a simple Contour and draw it. The following program shows how to use the contour builder to create a triangular contour.


fun main() = application {
    program {
        extend {
            val c = contour {
                moveTo(Vector2(width / 2.0 - 120.0, height / 2.0 - 120.00))
                // -- here `cursor` points to the end point of the previous command
                lineTo(cursor + Vector2(240.0, 0.0))
                lineTo(cursor + Vector2(0.0, 240.0))
            drawer.fill = ColorRGBa.PINK
            drawer.stroke = null

Link to the full example

Constructing a ShapeContour from points

We can use .fromPoints() to connect points with straight segments.

The hobbyCurve method, found in orx-shapes, can be used to create smooth curves.


fun main() = application {
    program {
        val points = List(20) {
            Vector2(20.0 + it * 32.0, 100.0 + sin(it * 1.0) * it * 3)
        val wavyContour = ShapeContour.fromPoints(points, closed = false)
        val smoothContour = hobbyCurve(points, closed = false)
        extend {
            drawer.fill = null
            drawer.strokeWeight = 5.0
            drawer.stroke = ColorRGBa.PINK
            drawer.translate(0.0, 10.0) // displace 10px down
            drawer.stroke = ColorRGBa.BLACK.opacify(0.5)

Link to the full example

Constructing a ShapeContour from segments

Notice how each segment starts where the last one ends.


fun main() = application {
    program {
        val segments = listOf(Segment(Vector2(10.0, 100.0), Vector2(200.0, 80.0)), // Linear Bézier Segment
        Segment(Vector2(200.0, 80.0), Vector2(250.0, 280.0), Vector2(400.0, 80.0)), // Quadratic Bézier segment
        Segment(Vector2(400.0, 80.0), Vector2(450.0, 180.0), Vector2(500.0, 0.0), Vector2(630.0, 80.0))) // Cubic Bézier segment
        val horizontalContour = ShapeContour.fromSegments(segments, closed = false)
        extend {
            drawer.strokeWeight = 5.0
            drawer.stroke = ColorRGBa.PINK

Link to the full example

Constructing a ShapeContour from a primitive

Primitives like Rectangle, Circle and LineSegment can be easily converted into a ShapeContour.

val c1 = Circle(200.0, 200.0, 50.0).contour

Even more ways to construct a ShapeContour

Take a look at orx-turtle and orx-shapes for other ways to create contours, including regular polygons, rounded rectangles and more.

Drawing a ShapeContour

// Draw one contour

// Draw multiple contours
drawer.contours(listOf(contour1, contour2, contour3))

Note that if the contour is closed, the current fill color is used.

ShapeContour properties

The ShapeContour provides methods to query its properties similar to the ones found in Segment.

// Get a point on the contour near the start.
val pos = contour.position(ut = 0.1)

// Obtain the normal vector near the end.
// This is a vector of length 1.0 perpendicular to the curve.
val normal = contour.normal(ut = 0.9)

// Get the bounding box of the curve as a Rectangle instance.
val rect = contour.bounds

// Obtain the length of the curve.
val length = contour.length

// Get the point on the curve which is nearest to a given point.
val nearest = contour.nearest(Vector2(50.0, 50.0)).position

// Get 20 equally spaced curve points
val points = contour.equidistantPositions(20)

An example of using .position() and .equidistantPositions():

fun main() = application {
    program {
        extend {
            drawer.stroke = null
            drawer.fill = ColorRGBa.PINK
            val point = Circle(185.0, height / 2.0, 90.0).contour.position((seconds * 0.1) % 1.0)
  , 10.0)
            val points0 = Circle(385.0, height / 2.0, 90.0).contour.equidistantPositions(20)
            drawer.circles(points0, 10.0)
            val points1 = Circle(585.0, height / 2.0, 90.0).contour.equidistantPositions((cos(seconds) * 10.0 + 30.0).toInt())
            drawer.circles(points1, 10.0)

Link to the full example

The list of available methods can be found at the API website or in the source code.

Rectified ShapeContour

The ut argument in the ShapeContour.position() and ShapeContour.normal() methods does not specify a linear position between the start and the end of the contour.

By using rectified contours (defined in orx-shapes) we can work with evenly spaced points on contours, or animate elements traveling on a contour at the desired speed even if the contour segments vary greatly in length.

fun main() = application {
    program {
        val c = Pulley(Circle(Vector2.ZERO, 30.0), Circle(Vector2.ONE * 120.0, 60.0)).contour
        val cr = c.rectified()
        extend {
            drawer.fill = null
            // Go from 0.0 to 1.0 in two seconds
            // slowing down at both ends
            val t = cos(kotlin.math.PI * (seconds % 2.0) / 2.0) * 0.5 + 0.5
            drawer.translate(150.0, 100.0)
            // Note how segment length affects the speed
  , 5.0)
            drawer.translate(270.0, 0.0)
            // The rectified contour provides a smooth animation
  , 5.0)

Link to the full example

Modifying a ShapeContour


A contour can be cut into a shorter contour using ShapeContour.sub().

fun main() = application {
    program {
        extend {
            drawer.fill = null
            drawer.stroke = ColorRGBa.PINK
            drawer.strokeWeight = 4.0
            val sub0 = Circle(185.0, height / 2.0, 100.0).contour.sub(0.0, 0.5 + 0.50 * sin(seconds))
            val sub1 = Circle(385.0, height / 2.0, 100.0).contour.sub(seconds * 0.1, seconds * 0.1 + 0.1)
            val sub2 = Circle(585.0, height / 2.0, 100.0).contour.sub(-seconds * 0.05, seconds * 0.05 + 0.1)

Link to the full example


The function ShapeContour.offset can be used to create an offset version of a contour.

fun main() = application {
    program {
        // -- create a contour from Rectangle object
        val c = Rectangle(100.0, 100.0, width - 200.0, height - 200.0).contour.reversed
        extend {
            drawer.fill = null
            drawer.stroke = ColorRGBa.PINK
            for (i in 1 until 10) {
                val o = c.offset(cos(seconds + 0.5) * i * 10.0, SegmentJoin.BEVEL)

Link to the full example

ShapeContour.offset can also be used to offset curved contours. The following demonstration shows a single cubic bezier offset at multiple distances.

fun main() = application {
    program {
        val c = contour {
            moveTo(width * (1.0 / 2.0), height * (1.0 / 5.0))
            curveTo(width * (1.0 / 4.0), height * (2.0 / 5.0), width * (3.0 / 4.0), height * (3.0 / 5.0), width * (2.0 / 4.0), height * (4.0 / 5.0))
        extend {
            drawer.stroke = ColorRGBa.PINK
            drawer.strokeWeight = 2.0
            drawer.lineJoin = LineJoin.ROUND
            for (i in -8..8) {
                val o = c.offset(i * 10.0 * cos(seconds + 0.5))

Link to the full example

reversed, close(), transform(), …

For more properties and methods explore the API website or the source code.


OPENRNDR uses Shape to represent planar shapes. We can think of a Shape as a group of ShapeContour instances, where each ShapeContour is a sequence of one or more Bézier Segment.

Constructing a Shape using the shape builder

Let’s create a Shape using the shape builder. The shape is created using two contours, one for the outline of the shape, and one for the hole in the shape


fun main() = application {
    program {
        extend {
            val s = shape {
                contour {
                    moveTo(Vector2(width / 2.0 - 120.0, height / 2.0 - 120.00))
                    lineTo(cursor + Vector2(240.0, 0.0))
                    lineTo(cursor + Vector2(0.0, 240.0))
                contour {
                    moveTo(Vector2(width / 2.0 - 80.0, height / 2.0 - 100.0))
                    lineTo(cursor + Vector2(190.0, 0.0))
                    lineTo(cursor + Vector2(0.0, 190.00))
            drawer.fill = ColorRGBa.PINK
            drawer.stroke = null

Link to the full example

Constructing a Shape from a primitive

Primitives like Rectangle, Circle, LineSegment and ShapeContour can be easily converted into a Shape.

val s = Circle(200.0, 200.0, 50.0).shape

Shape Boolean-operations

Boolean-operations can be performed on shapes using the compound {} builder. There are three kinds of compounds: union, difference and intersection, all three of them are shown in the example below.


fun main() = application {
    program {
        extend {
            drawer.fill = ColorRGBa.PINK
            drawer.stroke = ColorRGBa.PINK.shade(0.7)
            // -- shape union
            val su = compound {
                union {
                    shape(Circle(185.0, height / 2.0 - 80.0, 100.0).shape)
                    shape(Circle(185.0, height / 2.0 + 80.0, 100.0).shape)
            // -- shape difference
            val sd = compound {
                difference {
                    shape(Circle(385.0, height / 2.0 - 80.0, 100.0).shape)
                    shape(Circle(385.0, height / 2.0 + 80.0, 100.0).shape)
            // -- shape intersection
            val si = compound {
                intersection {
                    shape(Circle(585.0, height / 2.0 - 80.0, 100.0).shape)
                    shape(Circle(585.0, height / 2.0 + 80.0, 100.0).shape)

Link to the full example

The compound builder is actually a bit more clever than what the previous example demonstrated because it can actually work with an entire tree of compounds. Demonstrated below is the union of two intersections.


fun main() = application {
    program {
        extend {
            drawer.fill = ColorRGBa.PINK
            drawer.stroke = ColorRGBa.PINK.shade(0.7)
            val cross = compound {
                union {
                    intersection {
                        shape(Circle(width / 2.0 - 160.0, height / 2.0, 200.0).shape)
                        shape(Circle(width / 2.0 + 160.0, height / 2.0, 200.0).shape)
                    intersection {
                        shape(Circle(width / 2.0, height / 2.0 - 160.0, 200.0).shape)
                        shape(Circle(width / 2.0, height / 2.0 + 160.0, 200.0).shape)

Link to the full example


Extension methods are provided to find intersections between Shape, ShapeContour and Segment instances.

fun main() = application {
    program {
        extend {
            // A rotation transformation to apply to the rectangle
            val rotation = transform {
                translate(width * 0.6, height * 0.5)
                rotate(seconds * 18)
            val circle = Circle(width * 0.4, height * 0.5, 80.0).contour
            val rotatingRect = Rectangle.fromCenter(Vector2.ZERO, 150.0).contour.transform(rotation)
            val intersections = circle.intersections(rotatingRect)
            drawer.strokeWeight = 2.0
            drawer.stroke = ColorRGBa.PINK
            drawer.fill = ColorRGBa.PINK.opacify(0.5)
            // Draw intersections as small circles
            drawer.fill = ColorRGBa.WHITE
            drawer.stroke = ColorRGBa.BLACK.opacify(0.5)
            drawer.circles( {
            }, 5.0)

Link to the full example

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