
The configure block is an optional block that is used to configure the run-time environment. Most commonly it is used to configure the size of the window.

An example configuration that sets the window size, window resizability and title is as follows:

fun main() = application {
    configure {
        width = 1280
        height = 720
        windowResizable = true
        title = "OPENRNDR Example"
    program {}

Starting your program with a custom configuration looks roughly like this.

fun main() = application {
    configure {
    // settings go here
    program {
        // -- one time set up code goes here
        extend {
        // -- drawing code goes here

The table below lists a selection of configuration options. See the API for the complete list.

Property Type Default value Description
width Int 640 initial window width
height Int 480 initial window height
windowResizable Boolean false allow resizing of window?
fullscreen Fullscreen Fullscreen.DISABLED When specified, either Fullscreen.CURRENT_DISPLAY_MODE to make the window match the current display resolution, or Fullscreen.SET_DISPLAY_MODE to change the display resolution to match width and height.
position IntVector2? null (center of the primary display) initial window position (top-left corner)
display Display? null (primary display) The display on which to create the window. All detected displays are present in the displays list within the application {} block.
windowAlwaysOnTop Boolean false keep the window floating above other windows?
unfocusBehaviour UnfocusBehaviour UnfocusBehaviour.NORMAL The value UnfocusBehaviour.THROTTLE can be specified to throttle the program to 10Hz when unfocused.
hideCursor Boolean false hide the cursor?
title String "OPENRNDR" window title
hideWindowDecorations Boolean false hide window decorations?

Changing the configuration while the program runs

To modify the configuration after the program has started we can set various properties via application.

fun main() = application {
    program {
        extend {
            if (frameCount % 60 == 0) {
                application.cursorVisible = Random.bool()
                application.windowPosition = Vector2.uniform(0.0, 200.0)

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