
Extensions add functionality to a Program. Extensions can be used to control how a program draws, setup keyboard and mouse bindings and much more.

Basic extension use

Here we demonstrate how to use an OPENRNDR extension. The extension that we use is the Screenshots extension, which, when the space bar is pressed will capture the application window’s contents and save it to a timestamped file.

fun main() = application {
    program {
        // -- one time setup code goes here
        extend {
        // -- drawing code goes here

Extension configuration

Some extensions have configurable options. They can be set using the configuring extend function as follows:

fun main() = application {
    program {
        extend(Screenshots()) {
            contentScale = 4.0

Extension order

The order in which calls to the extend(...) method appear in the code matters. Screenshots and ScreenRecorder should usually be placed before other extensions; otherwise, the content of the produced images or video files may be unexpected.

Built-in and contributed extensions

OPENRNDR provides a few built-in extensions to simplify common tasks. One is Screenshots, which is used to create screenshots of your programs. Another is ScreenRecorder which is used to write videos to files.

Next to the built-in extensions there is ORX, an extensive repository of provided and contributed OPENRNDR extensions and add-ons. If you work from openrndr-template you can easily add and remove extensions from your project by editing the orxFeatures property in build.gradle.kts.

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