ColorBuffers sampled as integer numbers

Default ColorBuffers created by OPENRNDR store values for each color channel as byte, however when used in shaders they are provided by sampler2D as floating point values in the range 0..1. In rare cases it is desired to access these integer values directly, either as signed or unsigned integers, without conversion to floating point numbers. Special types of isampler2D and usampler2D come to the rescue, but color buffers have to be configured correctly for such a use.

Note: this mechanism is used internally in orx-kinect to process raw kinect data directly on GPU, as the depth readings are provided as integer numbers in the range of 0-2047 or 0-4096 depending on the kinect version.

Example use

fun main() = application {
    configure {
        width = 640
        height = 480
    program {
        val magicNumber: Byte = 42
        // 1x1-pixel buffer holding one unsigned short / uint16 value
        val intColorBuffer = colorBuffer(1, 1, format = ColorFormat.R, type = ColorType.UINT16_INT)
        // the following line is crucial, non-nearest filtering will result in
        // sampling texels always equal to 0 in shaders
        intColorBuffer.filter(MinifyingFilter.NEAREST, MagnifyingFilter.NEAREST)
        // standard color buffer to match the output window size, with ColorType.UINT8
        // by default, which is still sampled as floating point number in shaders
        val imageColorBuffer = colorBuffer(width, height)
        // fragment shader to transform integer data into something visible
        // if input is matching the magic number, we are outputting whiteness
        // usampler2D is used for unsigned integer values
        val intInputRenderer = Filter(Shader.createFromCode(fsCode = """
                    #version 330
                    uniform usampler2D tex0;
                    out     vec4 color;

                    const uint EXPECTED_VALUE = uint($magicNumber);

                    void main() {
                        uvec4 texel = texelFetch(tex0, ivec2(0), 0);
                        color = vec4(
                            vec3((texel.r == EXPECTED_VALUE) ? 1.0 : 0.0),
                """.trimIndent(), vsCode = Filter.filterVertexCode, name = "shader with usampler2D as input"))
        // in the same example we are also testing texture write / read
        val inData = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(2) // 2 because we are storing shorts
        val outData = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(2)
        println("outData should contain $magicNumber, is: ${outData.short}")
        extend {
            intInputRenderer.apply(intColorBuffer, imageColorBuffer)
            drawer.image(imageColorBuffer, 0.0, 0.0, width.toDouble(), height.toDouble())

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