Asynchronous image loading

In scenarios in which images are required to be loaded without blocking the draw thread you can use ColorBufferLoader. This loader runs on its own thread and uses shared contexts of the underlying graphics API (OpenGL).

ColorBufferLoader maintains a prioritized loading queue, such that most recently touched images will be loaded first.

ColorBufferLoader maintains an unloading queue, such that image proxies that have not been touched for 5000ms will be unloaded automatically (unless the proxy is requested to be persistent).

The ColorBufferLoader loads URL strings, it supports loading from file and http/https.

fun main() = application {
    program {
        extend {
            val proxy = colorBufferLoader.loadFromUrl("")
            proxy.colorBuffer?.let {

Here we see that fromUrl can safely be called many times as ColorBufferLoader caches these requests. Accessing proxy.colorBuffer touches its internal timestamp and queues the image for loading if the proxy state is NOT_LOADED.

Handling errors

Sometimes loading fails; for example because the file was not found, or the http connection timed out. ColorBufferLoader signals such errors by placing ColorBufferProxy in RETRY state. The proxy can be taken out of this state by calling its .retry() function.

Alternatively some errors cannot be retried; these will be signalled by setting the proxy state to ERROR. Such errors should only occur if the loading of the image causes a non-IOException to be thrown.

Cancelling a queued image

Cancelling an image which is queued (and is thus in QUEUED state) for loading is done by calling .cancel() on the ColorBufferProxy. This will set the proxy state back to NOT_LOADED.

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