Basic animation

From a programmer’s perspective, animation works by continuously drawing shapes or images creating the illusion of movement. This is achieved through a draw loop, which is a function that runs repeatedly multiple times per second. Each iteration of the draw loop involves clearing the screen and redrawing all elements in their new positions. By making small changes to the positions, rotations or sizes of shapes in each frame, we can create complex animations and movements.

In this example we draw a circle moving horizontally. The x variable increases from 0 up to width in a loop, thanks to the % modulo operation. width is 640 by default.

fun main() = application {
    program {
        extend {
            val pixelsPerSecond = 100.0
            val x = (seconds * pixelsPerSecond) % width
            val y = height * 0.5
  , y, 100.0)

By modifying the speed while the animation progresses we can enhance the animation, making it feel more natural and fluid and mimicking the way objects in the real world accelerate or decelerate as they move.

Let’s start with a one second long animation loop:

fun main() = application {
    program {
        extend {
            val x = (seconds % 1.0) * width
            val y = height * 0.5
  , y, 100.0)

Note that the expression (seconds % 1.0) is always a value between 0.0 and 1.0. What happens if we change that expression to (seconds % 1.0).pow(3.0) instead? The result is still a value between 0.0 and 1.0, but by raising the expression to the power of 3.0 we obtain more values closer to 0.0 than to 1.0. We no longer have a linear animation, but an ease in effect: start slowly and accelerate.

To simplify calculating acceleration and deceleration curves for animations we can use easing functions to specify the rate of change of a parameter over time.

Fortunately OPENRNDR provides orx-easing to help with this task.

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