Handling OSC messages with orx-osc

The orx-osc osc provides a simple interface to interact with OSC hosts and clients.


Assuming you are working on an openrndr-template based project, all you have to do is enable orx-osc in the orxFeatures set in build.gradle.kts and reimport the gradle project.

Listening to OSC messages

To listen to OSC messages we need to start an OSC server and use listen function to install listeners

fun main() = application {
    program {
        val osc = OSC()
        osc.listen("/live/track/2") { addr, it ->
            // -- get the first value
            val firstValue = it[0] as Float
        extend {

Note that .listen() accepts wildcard characters like * and ?. For instance to listen to addresses containing two words we can use osc.listen("/*/*"). Find out more about Pattern Matching in the OSC specification.

Sending OSC messages

fun main() = application {
    program {
        val osc = OSC()
        extend {
            osc.send("/some/address", listOf(1.0f, 2.0f))

Specifying IP address and ports

The default IP address for OSC is localhost and the in and out ports are both set to 57110 by default. One can specify different values like this:

val osc = OSC(InetAddress.getByName(""), portIn = 10000, portOut = 12000)

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